Kamis, 13 September 2012

Decide What I Like!

One hardest thing to do for me is to decide. I never have such good ability in decision making for any problem even the light one. Recently, I have been facing a problem to decide which topic I am gonna choose for my final assignment. Every single person I have asked always asked me back about the same thing, 'What do you like?'. I know best that if you do what you like, you will enjoy doing it even though you do the hardest thing ever. Ya, as long as you enjoy your work and love what you do.

I have been an informatics engineering student for over three years now. It's my last year and I have to work on my final assignment in order to graduate as an engineer. But, after three weeks since the school has started, I still don't have any ideas for my topic. I have already asked my senior and anyone I could consult to, but still got nothing. How can I make any decision? I don't even know what I like. I always feel uncertain when making decision.

There are already about 50s topics for the final assignment, but I still can't pick one that is suitable for me. This weekend I must have submitted my choice. Oh, God! Why is making decision being this hard?

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