Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Smile and Laugh

looking back to the past
years ago, while we were still wearing white and gray,
lived our life like there's nothing to be afraid of cuz we were very young, together we were there, in our school, studied, played card, sang lots of songs, skipped classes, the canteen, flag ceremony with very long speech of youknowwho, cheating, played some sports (it's almost everyday after school in our last semester before national exam, yes, futsal), slept in Mesjid, looking at the night sky in the middle of the court, ekskul with fm81 and civetta, every single thing we've done, we smiled and laughed together, and the last moment I'll never forget, the graduation day when the time came for us to move on. It's crystal clear I still remember those moments :)

2 years ago I graduated from senior high
5 years ago I graduated from junior high
8 years ago I graduated from elementary school
yeah, life goes on, I'm here now writing this in my blog, and I don't even know where are the others, what do they do?

I miss those moments but I never want to get back to those times. Those great times will be enough to be in my memory and be my greatest experience.

-- sesaat setelah liat photo memory di jejaring sosial dan membereskan buku-buku di saat aku masih sekolah, menemukan sebuah diary kecil saat SD, and I just smiled remembering all stuffs :)

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